Barbara Janta

Selected publications

  • Brown, E. R., Lanfredi, G., de Silva, A., Janta, B., Devaux, A. (2022). ‘ Building a better understanding of the impact of early childhood education and care’. European Commission.
  • Nightingale, M., Janta, B. (2021). ‘ The childcare gap in EU Member States’. European Commission.
  • Janta, B., Bruckmayer, M., de Silva, A., Gilder, L., Culora, A., Cole, S., Leenders, M., Schuurman, M., Hagger-Vaughan, A. (2021). ‘Study on child participation in EU political and democratic life’. European Commission.
  • Janta, B.,  Davies, L. M., Jordan, V. (2020). ‘Investing in children. Recent trends in child and family policy in the EU, European Platform for Investing in Children: Second annual thematic report, Prepared for the European Commission, Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, RAND Corporation.
  • Iakovidou, E., Janta, B. (2019) Embedding a children’s rights perspective in policy and decision-making, Prepared for the European Commission, Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, RAND Corporation.
  • Davies, L., Janta, B., Gardner, F. (2019). ‘Positive parenting interventions, European Commission Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion’, RAND Corporation.
  • Butkute, M., Janta, B. (2018). ‘Education for unaccompanied migrant children in Europe. Ensuring continued access to education through national and school-level approaches’, European Commission, Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, RAND Corporation.
  • Sim, M., Bélanger, J., Teager, W., Hocking, L., Dimova, S., Iakovidou, E., Janta, B. (2018). ‘Evidence review of teaching, pedagogy and practice in Early Years Childcare’, RAND Europe prepared for the Early Intervention Foundation.
  • Janta, B., Harte, E. (2016). ‘Education of migrant children in Europe’, European Commission, Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, RAND Corporation.
  • Janta, B., Van Belle, J., Stewart, K. (2016). ‘Quality and impact of Centre-based Early Childhood Education and Care’, European Commission, Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, RAND Corporation.
  • Hoareau, C., Janta, B.,, (2014). ‘Higher education entrance qualifications and exams in Europe: a comparison’, European Parliament.