Financement et gouvernance de l’enseignement et de la formation
Contenu des programmes d’enseignement et de formation, développement de compétences clés
Groupes vulnérables dans l’enseignement et la formation, pour garantir inclusion et non-discrimination
Décrochage scolaire, participation à l’enseignement et à la formation
Suivi pour l’équité et la qualité dans l’enseignement et la formation
Innovation et équité dans l’enseignement
Sélection de publications
“The Effect of High School Socioeconomic, Racial, and Linguistic Segregation on Academic Performance and School Behaviors” (with Gregory J. Palardy and Truman Butler). Teachers College Record (2015).
“The Challenge of Ensuring All Students Complete Secondary School.” Journal of Educational Planning and Administration 28 (2014): 159-166.
“Education and the Reproduction of Economic Inequality in the United States: An Empirical Investigation.” Economics of Education Review 29 (2010): 246-254.
“Immigration, Language, and Education: How Does Language Policy Structure Opportunity?” (with Patricia Gándara). Teachers College Record, 111 (March 2009): 750-782.
“Teacher Effectiveness in First Grade: The Importance of Background: Qualifications, Attitudes, and Instructional Practices for Student Learning” (with Gregory J. Palardy). Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 30 (June 2008): 111-140.
“Defining an Adequate Education for English Learners” (with Patricia Gándara). Journal of Education Finance and Policy, 3 (January 2008): 130-148.
“Student Engagement, Peer Social Capital, and School Dropout among Mexican American and Non-Latino White Students” (with Robert K. Ream). Sociology of Education, 81 (April 2008): 109-139.
Dropping Out: Why Students Drop Out of High School and What Can be Done About It Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press , 2011.
The Education of Language Minority Immigrants in the United States (editor, with Terrence G. Wiley and Jine Sook Lee). Buffalo, NY: Multilingual Matters, 2009.
Engaging Schools: Fostering High School Student’s Motivation to Learn (committee member). Committee on Increasing High School Student’s Engagement and Motivation to Learn, National Research Council. Washington, D.C. The National Academy Press, 2003.