Toby Greany

Sélection de publications

  • Greany, T. (in press) ‘Self-policing or self-improving?: analysing peer reviews between schools in England through the lens of isomorphism’ in Godfrey, D. (Ed.) School peer review for educational improvement and accountability: Theory, practice and policy implications. London: Springer. 
  • Greany, T., (in press) ‘Approaches to scaling innovations across schools: an analysis of key theories and models’ in Peters, M., A., and Heraud, R., (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Educational Innovation. New York: Springer.
  • Greany, T., (in press) ‘Liderar la millora i la innovació a les escoles i als sistemes educatius: evidències i implicacions per a les polítiques i les pràctiques.’ In Martinez, M. and Jolonchles, A., (2019) Paradoxes de la Innovacio Educativa. Horsori Editorial: Barcelona, Sp.  
  • Greany, T., (in press) ‘Liderar la mejora y la innovación en las escuelas y en los sistemas educativos: evidencias e implicaciones para las políticas y las prácticas.’ In Martinez, M. and Jolonchles, A., (2019). Las Paradojas de la Innovacion Educativa. Horsori Editorial: Barcelona, Sp.  
  • Greany, T. (in press) ‘Doing things differently in order to do them better: an assessment of the factors that influence innovation in schools and school systems’, in Hung D. Longkai, W. Kwek, D. (Eds) Diversifying Schools: Systemic Catalysts for Educational Innovations in Singapore, Singapore: Springer.
  • Early, P. and Greany, T. (in press) ‘The Context and Challenges of Contemporary School Leadership’ in Berkeley, A. and Jackson, E. Keeping Your Head: finding and sustaining balance, depth and resilience in school leadership.  London: Tavistock Series – Karnac.
  • Greany, T. (2018) Sustainable improvement in multi-school groups. DfE Research report 2017/038. London: Department for Education.
  • Greany, T. (2018) Balancing the needs of policy and practice, while remaining authentic: an analysis of leadership and governance in three national school leadership colleges.  Wales Journal of Education. 20/2, pp. 63-98
  • Greany, T. and Higham, R. (2018) Hierarchy, Markets and Networks: analysing the ‘self-improving school-led system’ agenda in England and the implications for schools. London: IOE Press.
  • Bernardinelli, D., Rutt, S., Greany, T., and Higham, R., (2018) Multi-academy Trusts: do they make a difference to pupil outcomes? UCL IOE Press, London
  • Cordingley, P., Greany, T., Crisp, B., Seleznyov, S., Bradbury, M., and Perry, T., (2018) Developing Great Subject Teaching: Rapid Evidence Review of subject-specific Continuous Professional Development in the UK. London: Wellcome Trust.  
  • Jerrim, J., Greany, T., and Perera, N., (2018) Educational disadvantage: how does England compare?  Education Policy Institute: London.
  • Stoll, L., Greany, T., Coldwell, M., Higgins, S., Brown, C., Maxwell, B., Stiell, B., Stoll, L., Willis, B. & Burns, H. (2018). Evidence-informed teaching: self-assessment tool for schools [Artefact]. Chartered College of Teaching, London, UK.
  • Greany, T. (2018) System leadership and collaboration – a new skillset for leaders? PDT – Professional Development for Teachers Issue 19.3 and 19.4. Teaching Times. 
  • Greany, T. (2017). Karmel oration – leading schools and school systems in times of change: a paradox and a quest. Research conference 2017 – leadership for improving learning: lessons from research. Melbourne: Australian Council for Educational Research.  Published online:
  • Anders J.D., Brown C., Ehren M., Greany T., Nelson R., Heal J., Groot A., Sanders M., Allen R., (2017) Evaluation of Complex Whole-School Interventions: Methodological and Practical Considerations.  London: Education Endowment Foundation.
  • Coldwell, M., Greany, T., Higgins, S., Brown, C., Maxwell, B., Stiell, B., Stoll, L., Willis, B. & Helen Burns, H. (2017) Evidence-informed teaching: an evaluation of progress in England.  Research Report July 2017 (DFE- RR-696) London: Department for Education.
  • Greany, T. and Maxwell, B. (2017) Evidence-informed innovation in schools: aligning collaborative Research and Development with high quality professional learning for teachers, International Journal of Innovation in Education (IJIE) Vol. 4, Nos. 2/3, pp. 147-170.
  • Earley, P. and Greany, T. (Eds) (2017) School leadership and education system reform, London: Bloomsbury.
  • Greany, T. and Earley, P. (2017). ‘Introduction: School leadership and education system reform’. In Earley, P. and Greany, T. (Eds.), School leadership and education system reform (pp. 1-13). London: UK: Bloomsbury
  • Greany, T. (2017) ‘Collaboration, Partnerships and System Leadership across Schools’ in Earley, P. and Greany, T. (Eds.) (2016) School leadership and education system reform, London: Bloomsbury.
  • Greany, T. and Waterhouse, J. (2017) ‘Leading curriculum innovation’ in Earley, P. and Greany, T. (Eds.) (2016) School leadership and education system reform, London: Bloomsbury.
  • Brown, C. and Greany, T. (2017) The evidence informed education system in England: where should school leaders be focussing their efforts?  Leadership and Policy in Schools. DOI: 10.1080/15700763.2016.1270330
  • Lucas B., Stoll L., Greany T., Tsakalaki A., and Nelson R., (2017) Independent-State School Partnerships: an initial review of evidence and current practices.  Windsor: Eton College.
  • Greany, T., Barnes, I., Mostafa, T., Pensiero, N., Swensson, C. (2016) Trends in Maths and Science Study (TIMSS): National Report for England, London: Department for Education. 
  • Greany T. (2016) Innovation is possible, it’s just not easy: improvement, innovation and legitimacy in England’s autonomous and accountable school system, Education Management Administration and Leadership (online, 1-21) DOI: 10.1177/1741143216659297    
  • Greany, T. and Cheong Y. (Eds) (2016) School Autonomy and 21st Century Learning: special issue, International Journal of Education Management, Vol 30, No 7.
  • Greany, T. and Waterhouse, J. (2016) Rebels against the system: leadership agency and curriculum innovation in the context of school autonomy and accountability in England, in School Autonomy and 21st Century Learning: special issue – International Journal of Education Management, Vol 30, No 7.
  • Greany, T. (2015) The Self-Improving System in England: a Review of Evidence and Thinking, Association of School and College Leaders, Leicester. 
  • Greany, T. (2015) Self-improving school systems: A review of evidence and reflections on progress in England, Centre for Strategic Education Seminar Series, Melbourne.
  • Greany, T. (2015) ‘How can evidence inform teaching and decision making across 21,000 autonomous schools? Learning from the journey in England’, in Brown, C. (Ed) (2015) Leading the use of research and evidence in schools, London: IOE Press.
  • Greany, T. (2015) More fragmented, and yet more networked: Analysing the responses of two Local Authorities in England to the Coalition’s ‘self-improving school-led system’ reforms, London Review of Education, 13, 2, pp. 125-143(19).
  • Greany, T. (2015) Partnerships between teaching schools and universities: research report, London Centre for Leadership in Learning, London: UCL IOE.
  • Greany, T. and Nelson, R. (2015) Research into the impact of selective schooling and school composition, secondary school size, and academies and free schools for the Guernsey Education Department, St Peter Port: Guernsey Education Department.
  • Greany, T., & Brown, C. (2015). Partnerships between teaching schools and universities. London Centre for Leadership in Learning: UCL IOE.
  • Cordingley, P. Higgins, S. Greany, T. Buckler, N. Coles-Jordan, D. Crisp, B. Saunders, L. Coe, R. (2015) Developing Great Teaching: Lessons from the international reviews into effective professional development, London: Teacher Development Trust.
  • Maxwell, B. and Greany, T. with Aspinwall, K. Handscomb, G. Seleznyov, S. and Simkins, T. (2015) Approaches to Research & Development for ‘great pedagogy’ and ‘great CPD’ in teaching school alliances, Nottingham: National College for Teaching and Leadership.
  • Greany, T. and Scott, J. (2014) Conflicts of interest in academy sponsorship arrangements, London: House of Commons Education Select Committee.
  • Greany, T. and Allan, T. (2014) School Improvement Networks and System Leadership in Coventry: Evaluating Progress, Areas for Development and Possible Next Steps, London: Institute of Education.
  • Greany, T. Gu, Q. Handscomb, G. Varley, M. (2014) School-University Partnerships: Fulfilling the Potential – Summary Report, Research Councils UK and National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement, Bristol.
  • Greany, T. with Doughty, J., Earley, P., Farrar, M., Grainger, P., Hodgson, A., Nelson, R., (2014) Leading in volatile times: learning from leadership beyond the Education and Training Sector, London: Education and Training Foundation. 
  • Greany, T. (2014) Are we nearly there yet?: progress, issues and possible next steps for a self-improving school system, London: IOE Press.
  • Greany, T. (2014) ‘Research and Development: the next big thing for schools?’, Professional Development Today, 16.3
  • Greany, T. (2014) ‘Middle leadership: looking back and looking forward – changing mindsets on learning and collaboration?’, The Teaching Leaders Quarterly, Edition 5.
  • Greany, T. (2003) Creating a learning to learn school: research and practice for raising standards, motivation and morale, London: Network Education Press.