Ivana Cenerić

Selected publications

  • Stanojković, D. et al. (2018). Priručnik za škole u realizaciji Stručnog uputstva za uključivanje učenika izbeglica/tražilaca azila u sistem obrazovanja I vaspitanja ,Različitost u školi 21. veka [Guidebook for schoosl in implementation of instruction for education inclusion of migrant students- Diversity in 21st century schools], Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development.
  • Kovač Cerović, T.,  Cenerić, I, Jokić. T (2017). ‘Kako do kvalitetne dopunske nastave – oslonci za unapređenje i primeri dobre prakse’ [‘Quality remedial teaching- foundations for improvement and good practices’], Centre for education policy.
  • Ivana Ceneric, et al. (2016). ‘Strengthening integrity and fighting corruption in education: Armenia’, Open Society Foundation. 
  • Pavlović Babić, D, Kovač Cerović, T., Banjac, S., Cenerić,I. Baucal, A. (2016) The Proposal of Methodology for Evaluation of the Effects of the Professional Development Programs for Teachers, Paper presented at ECER 2016 “Leading Education: The Distinct Contributions of Educational Research and Researchers”, Dublin, 22.-26. August, 2016.
  • Milovanovitch, M., Ceneric, I., Avetisyan, M., & Khavanska, T. (2015). Strengthening integrity and fighting corruption in education in Armenia. Yerevan.
  • Ceneric, I., Looney, J. and de Greef, M. (2014). ‘Indicators for evaluation of awareness and fundraising for low literacy in Europe’, ELINET.
  • Cerović, K. et al. (2013). ‘Analiza uticaja politika: Pružanje dodatne podrške učenicima iz osetljivih grupa u preduniverzitetskom obrazovanju’ (‘Policy analysis: pro-poor measures for students in pre-university education’), Beograd: UNICEF i SIPRU.