NESET, in collaboration with the Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture (DG EAC), is organising a webinar based on NESET analytical report: Community engagement in higher education: trends, practices and policies. This report argues that universities play a crucial role in responding to societal needs, and can further enhance their societal impact at local, national and international levels through community engagement, whereby:
The concept of community engagement is (re)emerging as a policy priority in higher education and is closely linked to key areas of EU initiatives such as European Universities Initiative, Young Universities for the Future of Europe (YUFE) alliance and the transformation agenda for higher education. It also connects with broader policy developments related but not limited to social inclusion, active citizenship and environmental sustainability.
Register for the NESET webinar ‘Community engagement in higher education: trends, practices and policies’ to find out more about this topic, the main findings of the report, as well as good practice examples and benefits that community engagement brings to universities.
The webinar will also be broadcasted live via NESET’s Youtube channel and on Facebook.
Date: March 19th (Friday) 13:00-14:15 (CET).
You can access the video recording of the webinar on the NESET’s Youtube channel.