10 Jun 2024

Upcoming webinars in June on the thematic of wellbeing

The European Toolkit for Schools aims to promote inclusive education, tackle early school leaving and improve well-being at school. It’s a comprehensive online platform that supports educators across Europe by providing practical resources and innovative teaching methodologies. To support this effort, they organise various webinars aimed at offering teachers with practical tools and techniques. To learn more about the toolkit please visit https://school-education.ec.europa.eu/en/insights/school-success-for-all.

This month, two webinars will take place on June 18th and June 26th, on the thematic of wellbeing at school.

WEBINAR 1: Promoting wellbeing for improved learning outcomes (June 18th, 4:00 PM, Europe/Brussels, Duration 1h30)

Based on the latest PISA data, this webinar will explore how student wellbeing influences learning outcomes, and how schools can integrate wellbeing strategies to enhance academic achievement. The webinar also intends to promote the  new guidelines to support wellbeing in schools that provide 11 comprehensive recommendations for education policymakers, school leaders, teachers, and educators.

Access the webinar following this link: Promoting wellbeing for improved learning outcomes | European School Education Platform (europa.eu).

The webinar speakers cover a wide range of expertise on wellbeing and PISA-related topics*:

  • Mario Piacentini: he leads the work on the PISA assessments of transversal, 21st-century skills. He is also the lead author of the frameworks for the PISA 2018 assessment of Global Competence and for the PISA 2021 assessment of Creative Thinking. He holds a PhD. in economics from the University of Geneva. 
  • Ana Munivrana: she is the Executive Director at the Forum for Freedom in Education (FFE) in Zagreb. She holds a degree from the Faculty of Psychology, Zagreb.
  • Ivana Čosić: PhD, Education Officer at UNICEF Croatia. She works with national, regional and municipal governments, academia and the civil society sector in Croatia.
  • Ankica Rakas-Drljan: works as an associate pedagogue at the Gvozd Primary School. She participates in the training sessions of the Forum for Freedom of Education and is a member of the Crisis Intervention Team at the Ministry of Education.
  • Maja Turniški: holds a B.A. in clinical and counselling psychology and PhD. in developmental psychology and trained in psychosocial support (PSS) in crisis situations, disasters, large-scale events and catastrophes. She is the co-founder of Suncokret Centre for Community Development and KIDS EARTH FUND Croatia, both in Vrginmost.
  • Carol Barriuso: she is a teacher of English, a teacher trainer, an EdTech educator and a eTwinning Ambassador. She actively nurtures inclusive learning environments and has made valuable contributions to numerous EU-funded projects and initiatives across diverse fields.
  • Cosmin Nada: European PhD in Educational Sciences. He is an expert in educational research, focusing on migration and education, diversity, and inclusion in education, among other topics. He is a member of NESET and the Editorial Board of the European Toolkit for Schools.

* For more detailed information about the webinar speakers, please access the event link. 

WEBINAR 2: Wellbeing without overload. Integrating self-care in teaching practices (June 26th 2024, 4:00 PM, Europe/Brussels, Duration 1h30) 

Given the concerning increase in reported levels of stress and burnout among teachers across Europe, the webinar will focus on how schools can reduce stress and enhance teacher wellbeing (e.g. through practical strategies that help integrate wellbeing into the daily routines of teachers).

Access the webinar following this link: Wellbeing without overload: Integrating self-care in teaching practices | European School Education Platform (europa.eu).

The webinar speakers are*:

  • Oana Felecan: Policy officer in Erasmus+ Programme team for School education, Vocational education and training and Adult learning sectors. She is the European coordinator of European Language Label and has been working in particular on the language learning within the Erasmus+ programme. She graduated from University Paris IX Dauphine (France) and Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest (Romania).
  • Tina Pivec: Researcher at the Educational Research Institute in Slovenia, where she focuses on educational and developmental psychology. Since October 2018, she has been engaged in research projects addressing bullying, aggression, and positive youth development. She holds Master’s and Bachelor’s degrees in Psychology from the University of Maribor, Faculty of Arts.
  • Ana Mlekuž: Researcher at the Educational Research Institute of Slovenia, specializing in educational assessment, inclusive education, and international affairs. Authored 38 publications and contributed significantly to various research projects, including the “HEAD: Empowering School Principals for Inclusive School Culture” project. She holds a Master of Science degree and is currently pursuing a doctorate in leadership in education at the University of Maribor. 
  • Eli Pijaca Plavšić: graduated in Sociology from the University of Zagreb in 2004. For the past 20 years, she has focused on education policy analysis, educational reform, and promoting equity from early childhood to higher education. She served as Executive Director of the Forum for Freedom in Education until 2021 and later as a program head and education policy analyst. Since 2023, she has owned Edukateka, providing independent educational consultancy and for several organisations, including Ecorys Ltd., ICF Ltd., and the European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education. Eli has been a member of the NESET Network since 2018 and is now a board member of the European Toolkit for Schools. 

* For more detailed information about the webinar speakers, please access the event link. 

We invite all education practitioners to join these webinars and contribute to the discussion on wellbeing in education.