Many children and young people in contemporary Europe are unfortunately coming to school carrying heavy social and emotional burdens, among them: poverty and social inequality, bullying and cyberbullying, family conflict, consumerism, media exploitation and technological addiction, academic pressure and stress, etc. Policymakers and educators across the world are increasingly coalescing around a specific approach to address these many challenges, namely, social and emotional education (SEE). SEE is intended for children to develop competences in both self-awareness and self-management, and to raise social awareness and improve the quality of their relationships.
The objective of this report is to make recommendations — on the basis of international research, EU policy, and current practices in Member States — for the integration of social and emotional education as a core component of curricula across the EU.
Authors: Associate Prof. Carmel Cefai, Associate Prof. Paul A. Bartolo, Dr. Valeria Cavioni and Associate Prof. Paul Downes. You can find full report here.